
Find out why Personizely is the best OptiMonk alternative 

And your search is over. We’re confident that you will find that Personizely is a superior OptiMonk alternative in your own time, but here is all the information you might need to see for yourself. 

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Responsive widget builderYesYesYesYes
Popup widgetsYesYesYesYes
Callout widgetsYesYesYesYes
Bar widgetsYesYesYesYes
Embedded widgetsYesYesYesYes
Full-screen overlaysNoNoYesYes
Multi-step widgetsYesYesYesYes
Teaser offersYesYesYesYes
Dynamic personalization placeholdersYesYesYesYes
Advanced widget customizationYesYesYesYes
Widget branding managementYesYesNoNo
Custom fontsYesYesYesYes
Custom fieldsYesYesYesYes
Widget A/B testingYesYesYesYes
Advanced targeting (20+ filters)YesYesNoNo
Cross-sell/upsell (Shopify)YesYesYesYes
Cart progress (Shopify)YesYesYesYes
Widget export/import across accountsYesYesNoNo
Email validation integrationsYesYesYesYes
Goal trackingYesYesYesYes
2-way contacts syncYesYesYesYes
CRM/EMS targetingYesYesNoNo
Website personalization editorYesYesNoNo
Mobile exit intentYesYesYesYes
Trigger conditionsYesYesYesYes
Mutliple triggers per widgetYesYes--
Fixed discount codesYesYes--
Unique code generatorYesYes--
Discount code auto applyYesYes--
Discount code reminder campaignYesYes--
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Widget builder

The best builder for your flow

Good tools fit into your workflow, but great ones improve it. Personizely offers you a popup builder that will shorten the time you spend on designing popups. Choose the right elements, and you’re on the right track to start creating popups that will increase conversion. As easy as drag and drop.

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Widget types

The best popup builder and popup styles from the best OptiMonk alternative

It’s all about style, and the results it will bring you. Customize the perfect template and choose the right approach that will allow you to turn e-commerce visitors into customers with your new favorite OptiMonk alternative.

Popup Widget

Newsletter popups

Get their attention, and their emails too

Callout widgets

Callout widgets

Give the perfect amount of attention

Product Recommendations

Product recommendations

Just a nudge to increase their spending

Bar Widgets

Bar announcements

When everything else fails, there’s always shipping

Embedded widgets

Embedded widgets

Blend it into the page, and hide it in plain sight

Teaser offers

Teaser offers

Leave them a way to change their mind

Mobile responsive widgets

Never leave it to chance

Everybody knows how important it is for a website to be responsive. And whenever you add popups, you want to be sure they will be too. With Personizely, you can rest assured that all of your designs will work great on every single screen size, every single element, and every single button.

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Frame 148(2).svg
Multiple triggers

Get to know your audience

Nothing good ever comes from going blindly into something. You always want to do your research, and with Personizely, you can put it to use. Getting to know your audience will bring you the necessary success, and advanced triggers will become one of your greatest assets that will help you increase your conversion rate.

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Targeting options available in Personizely

Visit and session history.svg

Visit and session history

Traffic source.svg

Traffic source

Form data.svg

Form data

CSS Selectors.svg

CSS Selectors








UTM Parameters



Interaction history.svg

Interaction history

List subscription status.svg

List subscription status



Frame 148(3).svg

Build email lists efficiently

Some integrations take care of your time the most. The synch you make between Personizely and your email service is certainly one of them. This one takes away any concerns about your email lists and email marketing from your shoulders. Just set it up once, and that’s all it takes. Make sure to try it today!

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Create an individual experience

Catch up with their individuality

You know how to attract your visitors. No doubt that you have a strategy that is already put into place. But why not make things easier for you? With Personizely, you can appeal to them even more by creating a personalized shopping experience. Try it out today!

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Conversion optimization solution

Get the tools you need and you’re halfway there

There is no direct recipe for success. But with the right tools, you can manage to set your way of getting there. Personizely can help you do just that. An impressive number of tools gathered in one platform will enable you to increase sales the way only you can.

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