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Compare Personizely with Popupsmart

We know you are looking for the best Popupsmart alternative so it can bring you the best conversion. Here you can see for yourself how well Personizely will take on that role. Make your website the best version of itself!

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Responsive widget builderYesYes
Popup widgetsYesYes
Callout widgetsYesYes
Bar widgetsYesYes
Embedded widgetsYesNo
Full-screen overlaysNoYes
Multi-step widgetsYesNo
Teaser offersYesYes
Dynamic personalization placeholdersYesYes
Advanced widget customizationYesYes
Widget branding managementYesNo
Custom fontsYesYes
Custom fieldsYesYes
Widget A/B testingYesYes
Advanced targeting (20+ filters)YesNo
Cross-sell/upsell (Shopify)YesNo
Cart progress (Shopify)YesNo
Widget export/import across accountsYesNo
Email validation integrationsYesNo
Goal trackingYesNo
2-way contacts syncYesYes
CRM/EMS targetingYesNo
Website personalization editorYesNo
Mobile exit intentYes-
Trigger conditionsYesYes
Mutliple triggers per widgetYesYes
Fixed discount codesYes-
Unique code generatorYes-
Discount code auto applyYes-
Discount code reminder campaignYes-
Widget builder

The builder that does all the work

Designing popups is usually as easy or difficult as the tools you are using to create them. With Personizely, this task will take you a couple of seconds. No more heavy lifting, all that's left to do, is drag-and-drop the right element to the right place.

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Widget types

The best popup styles from the best Popupsmart alternative

It’s all about style, and the results it will bring you. Choose the right approach with your new favourite Popupsmart alternative.

Popup Widget

Newsletter popups

Get their attention, and their emails too

Callout widgets

Callout widgets

Give the perfect amount of attention

Product Recommendations

Product recommendations

Just a nudge to increase their spending

Bar Widgets

Bar announcements

When everything else fails, there’s always shipping

Embedded widgets

Embedded widgets

Blend it into the page, and hide it in plain sight

Teaser offers

Teaser offers

Leave them a way to change their mind

Mobile responsive widgets

Real responsiveness for your real needs

In theory, everything online needs to be ready for all screen sizes. In practice, we always have to check, just to be sure. With Personizely, you’ll never have to check again.

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Frame 148(2).svg
Multiple triggers

Work for your audience

You know your audience the best. And using advanced triggers will help you connect with them even more. Never let a mistimed popup interrupt the customer experience, and take advantage of the entire powerhouse of tools that Personizely offers.

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Targeting options available in Personizely

Visit and session history.svg

Visit and session history

Traffic source.svg

Traffic source

CSS Selectors.svg

CSS Selectors

Form data.svg

Form data

Interaction history.svg

Interaction history








UTM Parameters





List subscription status.svg

List subscription status

Frame 148(3).svg

Synch it once, and that’s it!

Get your workflow into its most efficient shape. With Personizely, you can shorten the way you deal with your email lists. Connect it to your email service from the very start, and forget about the rest. Try it out today!

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Create an individual experience

Turn to the personal approach

Creating a personalized shopping experience for your visitors might seem like a lot of work. But it isn’t. With Personizely, becoming personal is a matter of a couple of clicks. Whether you want to identify visitors for a single campaign or even every single day, it’s the easiest thing to do. And the results will not make themselves wait long.

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Conversion optimization solution

The direct way to your best conversion

Let yourself enjoy the benefits of using the best tools available for conversion optimization. Because with Personizely, you get the most advanced popups and the most user-friendly personalization. Whatever you need, you can be sure to find it here. Give it a try and discover how much your conversion can improve!

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Start converting more right now